Mermaid Quintessence Video

As part of Mermaid Monday I am working to feature new videos and photos weekly of mermaids and mermaid life.

This week I offer you a video of Mermaid Quintessence from 2TailsAreBetterThan1.

We also featured her last week with some portraits, so click on her name above to see more.

Such a pleasure creating with this lovely mermaid!

I do so hope to enjoy more creative moments together soon!

Mermaid Quintessence

Had the pleasure of meeting other mermaids while in Florida, including this beauty Mermaid Quintessence from 2tailsarebetterthan1. Be sure to check her out on their Instagram!

I am busy creating a Mer Pod Gallery here on the site, so swim by again soon to see if you are featured!

A video of Mermaid Quintessence will also be coming soon to YouTube in our Mermaid Moments Playlist!

For now enjoy these first few reflections…