One of the great delights of mermaid life, is getting to spread the joy!
I just love sharing this passion and love of the waters with little ones, with hopes to inspire them to become protectors of the waters too!
These little girls asked me if I was really a mermaid, and when I replied, “With all my heart!”, they bounced in joy!
My pile of painted rocks is growing. I have actually already done a few more since this reflection yesterday. Now it’s time to get out and travel to leave these behind for others to find! Shall also be a mission to gather some more rocks along the way!
I have begun creating my own version of love rocks.
So here it is… a #loveandwaterrock
My second one, Sea Turtle Love, is ready to go out into the world for someone special to find.
Painted my first love rock… The Mermaid and the Pearl.
Something to do while dreaming of my return to the waters!
Hope to create several and begin leaving them for others to find once I start traveling again!
I am so happy to have my new tail from Fin Fun Mermaid Tails, as I am hoping to begin volunteering at Children’s Hospitals, and the like, to have story time! Anyone out there have connections or suggestions please do let me know!
I have been featured by FinFun on Instagram. Please go visit the post and give it some love! It is truly an honor to have them choose my mermaid art for their page! I just love the quote, as I have been struggling with my health lately once again and a feeling a bit trapped on land, so the quote felt so perfect, brought tears to my eyes and warmed my heart! “She is a mermaid on dry land and the world is her ocean” J.Iron Word
Time to climb aboard and make my way across the Atlantic. Returning to Europe for another moment!
Tail : @mertailor
Top : @calzedonia
Photo : @mermaid_whisperer
Making my way around the Great Lakes, and across the Atlantic Ocean for another moment in Europe!
Tail : @mertailor
Top : @calzedonia
Photo : @mermaid_whisperer